Important Update Regarding Your MakersPlace Artist Account

At MakersPlace, we are continually inspired by the creativity and passion of artists like you who have chosen to share their art with the world through our platform. As MakersPlace CEO Craig Palmer wrote about in our recent guiding principles statement, over the next few quarters, you will see MakersPlace substantially evolving.

As part of our evolution, we’re homing in on the needs of specific collector segments and have substantially raised the bar for new artists to be approved for onboarding into MakersPlace. We’ve formed a Curation Team and evolved the process to approve new artists for onboarding into MakersPlace . You can read more about the team and process here

This has led to the difficult decision to remove your minting privileges, either because your style or genre don’t fit current curatorial standards or because of the long period of time in which your account was inactive. 

This does not diminish the respect we have for your talent and the potential we see in your art. Your existing works will remain showcased on MakersPlace, ensuring your artistic contributions continue to be valued.

If you chose to, you may reapply with the work you believe fits our current curatorial niche or find the marketplace whose vision better aligns with your own. If you choose not to reapply, we wish you the best on your artistic journey. 

To resubmit your portfolio, please click here. Our curation team is dedicated to giving each submission detailed consideration, honoring the unique voice and journey of every artist. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to us:

We value the contribution of every artist who has joined our platform, and we remain enthusiastic about celebrating your future creations.
Thank you for your understanding and your continued passion for art.

Again, if you have any questions or concerns, please mail us at: